01 | Salesforce Career Coaching | LinkedIn Live

01 | Salesforce Career Coaching | LinkedIn Live

01 | Salesforce Career Coaching | LinkedIn Live

01 | Salesforce Career Coaching | LinkedIn Live


I’m Phillip Poynton, diving into my very first LinkedIn Live experience. Bear with me as we navigate this together – it might not be perfect, but it promises to be impactful.

👤 About Me, Phillip Poynton
For those who don’t know me, my name is Phillip Poynton. I’m an experienced recruiter with over 17 years of experience, having helped thousands of candidates secure new jobs across various industries. For the past 5 years, I’ve been solely focused on hiring Salesforce professionals in Poland and, more recently, in the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, and Sweden. I love my job and am very grateful to advise, support, and coordinate important career moves for my candidates.

📊 Why This Series?
After a LinkedIn poll showed overwhelming support, I’m launching a Salesforce career coaching series live! It’s all about real-time advice, support, and tips for navigating the Salesforce job market. There will be no script; this is going to be as authentic and natural as it can be. We’ll have ups, we’ll have downs, and we’re going to share this journey live with you all.

🌟 Meet Maria Śliska: My Brave Volunteer
Maria has volunteered to be the hero of this experiment, and I am so grateful she’s brave enough to join me. I have known Maria for over a year now. She is not only a certified Salesforce enthusiast looking to start her Salesforce career; she is quite literally Salesforce-mad! In the best way, of course. If you don’t believe me, follow her on LinkedIn and see for yourself how active and passionate she is about developing her Salesforce skills and landing her first Salesforce job.

I couldn’t have asked for a better, more job-ready Salesforce enthusiast than Maria to become my ‘guinea pig’ for this new initiative.

🎯 The Goal
There’s only one aim – for Maria to secure her first Salesforce job, no matter how many sessions it takes. This series will continue, on a weekly basis, until Maria lands and starts her first job. We’re both committed to this and won’t stop until Maria finds her first Salesforce job.

📚 What to Expect?
An in-depth Salesforce career coaching experience. Practical tips on CVs, job searches, tapping into hidden markets, preparing and attending events, personal branding, networking, and loads more. Guest appearances and expert advice. A live, unscripted, authentic learning journey shared with you.

⚠️ Disclaimer
I’m not a professional or accredited career coach. Everything I’ll be sharing, advising, and suggesting is solely based on my experience as a seasoned recruiter. Maria has volunteered to participate in this initiative and is aware that this experience will be broadcast live.

Should you have any concerns, questions, or feedback, please feel free to contact either one of us directly – we’d love to hear from you.

📅 Save the Date!
Join us on Monday, March 4th, at 6:00 PM CET. Support Maria’s quest for her first Salesforce job. Let’s embark on this live, learning journey together.

Aby zarejestrować się na to wydarzenie, odwiedź następujący adres URL: https://www.linkedin.com/events/7167573493826502657/about/ →



2024-03-04 - 18:00 do


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